Asie > Philippines
Listing ID: 50557

De 10 Jours, Les Lumières Vives, Des Grandes Îles Philippines

Cette aventure combine le meilleur des Philippines' deux plus grandes îles, l'île de Luzon et de Palawan. Des lumières de Manille à la magnifique nature sauvage de la "dernière frontière" ce voyage offre quelques-uns des la plupart des vues incroyables, en Asie du sudest. Durée: 240 Hours (approx.)
Annulation Facile - Annuler 3 jours avant pour un remboursement complet
Les bons de confirmation imprimés ou sur mobile sont acceptés
Confirmation de réservation rapide

Notre aventure de 10 jours Bright Lights, Big Islands offre quelques-unes des meilleures expériences sur deux des plus grandes îles des Philippines, Luzon et Palawan. Nous commençons notre voyage sous les lumières de la capitale de Manille sur l’île de Luçon, avant de traverser l’une des plus belles îles du monde, Palawan.

Une ville qui n’a pas reçu la même considération de la part des voyageurs que d’autres capitales asiatiques du sud-est, Manille est une ville qui attend d’exploser dans la scène du sac à dos. Ici, vous pouvez profiter de certains des meilleurs magasins, restaurants et discothèques en Asie du Sud-Est. Manila est une ville branchée, avec beaucoup de paysages naturels à portée de main. Palawan brut, accidenté et largement non peuplé est désigné à l’échelle nationale comme «la dernière frontière». Ici, vous verrez des jungles tropicales luxuriantes, de belles chutes d’eau, des rivières souterraines et quelques-unes des plus belles plages et des îles à visiter partout dans le monde. Votre caméra va fumer après ce voyage, alors que nous atteignons un ensemble de paysages parmi les plus spectaculaires d’Asie.

- Que Vas-Tu Faire

Vous arriverez à l'aéroport Ninoy Aquino de Manille tard dans la nuit 1. Nous vous rencontrons à l'aéroport et vous ramènerons à nos superbes hébergements à Makati. Le groupe se réunit pour les boissons de bienvenue et un peu d'information la première nuit, mais le jour 2 est le moment où l'action commence. Nous nous embarquons pour notre première activité de groupe, une excursion d'une journée inoubliable dans la remarquable réserve de Masungi. Jour 3 est à vous d'explorer quelques-unes des nombreuses options que Manille a à offrir. Promenez-vous sur le volcan Taal, rasez le parc de wakeboard à Lagunas ou faites un incroyable voyage en bateau à Batangas. Ce ne sont que quelques-unes des options dans cette ville animée.

Tôt le jour 4 un minibus privé nous emmène à l'aéroport et nous sommes dans le ciel et sur le chemin de "la dernière frontière", Palawan. Nous arrivons tôt dans l'après-midi à Puerto Princesa, la capitale de cette île isolée et peu peuplée située à l'extrême ouest du pays. Après une journée libre d'exploration, le groupe affronte les eaux émeraude de Honda Bay le jour 5 pour une journée d'île en espérant et en apnée. Le jour 6 est une journée libre pour vous d'explorer avant de nous diriger vers le nord à El Nido.

Le jour 7 prend un jour de voyage et le transforme en une expérience impressionnante. Sur notre chemin de Puerto Princesa à El Nido dans notre minibus privé, nous faisons un arrêt à Sabang pour s'imprégner des paysages spectaculaires et visiter l'une des "7 merveilles naturelles du monde", la rivière souterraine de Puerto Princesa. Après un délicieux déjeuner buffet de style philippin, nous continuons vers le magnifique El Nido en arrivant tard le soir le jour 7. Jour 8, le groupe se lance dans la légendaire "Tour A", une aventure d'île en île à travers les plus beaux paysages d'El Nido. îles. Nous vous donnons le jour 9 et 10 pour explorer ce pays des merveilles tropicales, car il y a tellement de choses à voir et personne ne veut vraiment partir. Le jour 10 est notre dernière nuit en ville, alors nous avons prévu une petite fête. Dites adieu à votre formidable groupe de nouveaux amis et préparez-vous pour votre voyage *. À ce stade cependant, comme beaucoup, vous pourriez avoir tellement de plaisir que vous voulez rester et rester avec nous pendant encore 10 jours sur notre aventure Island Explorer.

- Quoi Attendre

Manille - Situé sur la plus grande île de Luzon, Manille est la capitale des Philippines et le principal point d'arrivée pour les voyageurs internationaux. Manille est une ville qui se développe rapidement avec une histoire et un mélange de cultures très uniques et beaucoup à offrir à ceux qui veulent rester et rester pour un moment. Vous pouvez frapper les pubs et les clubs branchés, ou profiter des boutiques et des restaurants de classe mondiale à Makati. Jouez dans les jungles incroyables de la réserve de Masungi. Grimpez au lac de cratère du volcan Taal, ou déchiquetez le parc de réveil par câble à Laguna. Manille est une grande ville qui garde les options à venir, avec une tonne de joyaux cachés dans toutes les directions. Nous avons ici des hôtes extraordinaires qui savent comment passer un bon moment et qui vous aideront à voir le meilleur de cette capitale passionnante et animée.

Puerto Princesa - Aux Philippines, l'île de Palawan est communément appelée la dernière frontière, parce que c'est l'une des dernières zones en grande partie déstabilisées dans le pays. Palawan est sauvage, cru, intacte et absolument positivement l'une des plus belles îles que vous pourriez jamais voir. La plupart des voyageurs commencent leur aventure Palawan dans la capitale de Puerto Princesa, une petite ville sur la mer de Sulu. Puerto Princesa étend sa population mince profondément à l'intérieur des terres à travers une vaste zone de forêt tropicale luxuriante tout le chemin à l'ouest de l'île et la mer de Chine méridionale.

Passez une journée à faire de la plongée en apnée, nager et sauter de l'île à la belle île dans les eaux émeraude de Honda Bay. Contemplez avec étonnement le magnifique et sauvage paysage de plage de Sabang alors que nous nous dirigeons vers la célèbre rivière souterraine de Puerto Princesa, l'une des 7 merveilles naturelles du monde. Dégagez-vous le soir dans l'un des nombreux charmants bars et restaurants philippins qui bordent la rue principale, Rizal Ave. Puerto Princesa est un endroit super amical et amusant et une excellente introduction à une province qui ne manque jamais d'impressionner.

El Nido - Largement crédité comme la cause de toute l'excitation, El Nido est le joyau de la couronne de Palawan et est l'un des plus beaux endroits de la planète. Ce qui était juste un petit village de pêche isolé au début des années 2000 est maintenant l'une des destinations les plus chaudes de toute l'Asie du Sud-Est. Des eaux scintillantes aux combinaisons incroyablement vibrantes de bleus et de verts sont entourées de falaises de calcaire déchiquetées et couvertes de plantes et d'arbres si vertes qu'elles ressemblent à du néon au soleil, qui semble toujours briller à El Nido. Sous l'eau, le paysage devient encore plus impressionnant pour les plongeurs et plongeurs, avec une mer qui regorge de beaux coraux sauvages et une variété impressionnante de vie marine. Island Hopping est le nom du jeu ici et il est sans aucun doute de classe mondia

- Ce Qui Est Inclus

Dîner de bienvenue
Forfait d'accueil Far Out: Il y a un guide d'information sur le voyage, un souper de bienvenue et quelques cadeaux de bienvenue pour vous garder à l'aise dans votre aventure Far Out.
Pas un seul, mais deux dirigeants bien informés et amusants qui connaissent le terrain et vous aideront à faire en sorte que vous passiez le meilleur moment de votre vie, tous les jours de votre voyage.
Tous les hébergements pendant votre voyage. Nous avons parcouru nos destinations pour les meilleurs hébergements de groupe disponibles. Nous recherchons toujours la combinaison parfaite d'environnement, de confort, de plaisir, de service amical et de sécurité.
Tous les transports entre les destinations et les activités incluses.
Au moins une activité Far Out dans chaque destination que nous visitons, un assortiment d'activités «must do». L'aventure philippine de 20 jours comprend les activités suivantes.
Masungi Geo Reserve
Honda Bay Island Hopping (déjeuner inclus)
Visite de la rivière souterraine (déjeuner inclus)
El Nido Island Hopping (déjeuner inclus)

- Ce Qui N’est Pas Inclus

Dépenser de l'argent: Pour des conseils sur la budgétisation, visitez
Activités supplémentaires / facultatives
Visas de voyage (30 visa à l'arrivée disponible pour la plupart des nationalités arrivant par avion.S'il vous plaît contactez votre consulat philippin local ou l'ambassade pour plus d'informations.)
Aliments et boissons (sauf ceux mentionnés ci-dessus)
Transport pour les activités personnelles / facultatives non incluses dans le tour.


Why should I travel with Far Out Adventures?
We have designed a group backpacking trip that offers you the freedom and options to choose and experience your adventure exactly the way you would like to. We are a network of travelers who have been all over SE Asia for the last 9 years, so we have a lot of experience in the places we travel to. We know everything you need to know to help you design the experience of a lifetime.
What kind of overall experience will I have on my Far Out Adventure?
We don’t like to blown our own horn too often, but it is not unreasonable when you travel with Far Out Adventures, to expect to have an amazing journey full of life changing experiences with amazing people in some of the most beautiful places on earth!! Each and every one of our adventures is designed to immerse you in the beauty, culture and history of our locations, while providing you access to all the best activities and amenities, along with the freedom to choose what you want to do. That way you get the most out of your trip and you get to spend your time doing the things that interest you most. Our travel concept is not to sell you a package where we have decided how the group will spend their time, but to help you design the best experience for you. At Far Out Adventures we feel like this is your trip, and our job is to make life easy on by making sure that your only concern on this trip is how much fun you are going to have today. Our trips are light on itinerary and heavy on choice. Our trip leaders are also very knowledgeable and experienced in the areas we travel to, so no matter what you have on your list that needs accomplishing, we will have the time and expertise to help you do and see anything you have your mind set on. Even if there is a location somewhere not included on our itinerary that you want to take a couple days to explore on your own, our trip leaders will be able to help you plan any such side getaways and get you back to the group safely and easily to enjoy the rest of your journey. And as for the people you will be travelling with, your group will be made up mostly of like-minded folks who are all out here for more or less the same reason you are; to experience something beautiful, new and exciting and to expand and broaden our world perspectives. One of the best things about travelling with a group of fun loving like minded people is that in a matter of days you will find yourself making a number of new friendships that will last a lifetime. In short, travelling with Far Out Adventures is an amazingly exciting, dynamic, and worry-free travel experience that is every bit a personal journey custom tailored to your needs as it is a group experience. We take you to some of the best places on earth, with some of the most amazing people you’ll ever meet and give you the freedom to enjoy your trip doing the things you enjoy doing.
Will I get to experience other cultures?
In our opinion, and in our own experience, immersing yourself in new cultures is one of the most rewarding parts of travelling, so on our trips we give you plenty of opportunity to do just that. Whether you’re learning about a country’s history as we explore ancient temples, eating authentic local food, hanging with the locals in some of their favorite spots, or learning some of the local language, the opportunities to have authentic and meaningful interactions with local people and cultures is plentiful on our adventures.
Is this going to be a party trip?
Our trips are not designed to be party trips per se. Our focus is and always has been sharing our favorite travel destinations with others and helping you have the trip of a lifetime, whatever that entails for you. That being said, when people get together in beautiful sunny destinations with a shared interest in beautiful places and awesome times, it’s inevitable that some partying is going to happen. That being said, our destinations have LOTS to offer for the night owl AND the day adventurer alike. If partying isn’t your thing you will never be at a loss for ways to have an amazing time. One of the great things about travelling in a group is that there are always people doing different things, so however you prefer to spend your time and socialize there will be plenty of opportunities to do so with like minded people. We do occasionally plan parties for the group in certain destinations, but needless to say drinking is always optional and not necessary to have a great time. If partying is a concern of yours, we assure you there is no reason to worry. There will be lots of ways to fill your days with fun, and our trip leaders always put just as much emphasis on enjoying the surrounding environment and taking in the local history and culture, as they do on anything else.
I see there is a lot of free time. How much do additional activities cost?
We don’t load your daily itinerary with included activities essentially because we don’t want you paying for activities that you may have no interest in doing. That’s not to say that you will have nothing to do most of the time, because there will be loads of options available to you. We just want to make sure you have the best time possible, doing only the kinds of things you want to do. That’s why we only include 1 awesome activity in each place we go. We pick the one big thing that basically everybody wants to see/do in each place we go to, so we can be reasonably certain that everybody will be able to participate and enjoy it. In terms of your overall budget, we can give you a pretty good idea at where we offer a general breakdown of costs for meals drinks, shopping, activities, etc based on your specific trip.
What’s the average age of trip participant? Is there a maximum age?
Our trips are designed for 18-30 somethings. This is due mostly to the inherently active nature of our trips, which are admittedly a little more physically demanding than your typical group tour. We do a lot of walking, climbing, hiking and the such in some very hot temperatures, which can be a challenge for some. Within that age range the majority of our guests seem to fall in the 23-29 range. That being said, we believe that anyone who is up to the task should have the opportunity to participate, so we do occasionally accept travellers outside of that range, as long as they are comfortable undertaking the inherently active nature of our trips.
How many people are normally in a group?
Groups sizes can vary quite a bit depending on the tour and the time of year, but are typically between 8-14 guests plus 2 guides.
How do I meet up with my group?
Whether you are flying on your own or we are arranging your flight for you, we will send you an email after booking detailing the process for meeting with your group leader. In general, it is a very simple process. We will have a facebook group set up for each and all of our tours detailing the itinerary and including instructions for meeting at the arrival destination. Airport pick up is generally free. All customers on flights booked by Far Out will be picked up at the airport with their fellow group members and transported to their accommodation free of charge. For customers booking their own flights we will make every effort to have a guide meet you and pick you up for free. If not possible due to schedule, we will give you all the necessary information and assistance to make your transportation from the airport to our accommodation simple and worry free.
Will there be Wi-Fi access?
Wi-Fi access is largely available everywhere you go nowadays, and our trip destinations are no exception. Wi-Fi is available at all our accommodations, as well as most bars and restaurants, so you can post all the awesome jealousy inducing pics you want, and mom and dad don’t have to worry about being able to contact you.
Are there a lot of early mornings?
There may be a few early mornings on days we need to catch a train or boat or something of the sort, but for the most part you are free to get up whenever you please. It’s your trip and we won’t tell you when it’s time for you to get out of bed.
Will it rain a lot?
You have probably heard of terms like “wet season” or “dry season” used to describe the weather in warm places. While there are certainly seasonal weather patterns, we would be hesitant to say it never rains during dry season, or it always rains during wet season. While you are certainly likely to see more cloudless days during dry season, you still get plenty of beautiful days during wet season. When it rains its usually only for a few minutes and then the sun is back out. The other bonus to wet season is that the vegetation is lush and beautiful, and things like rivers and waterfalls are flowing at their full potential (perfect for tubing). The dry season in the Philippines starts in late November and ends in May. This coincides with high season for tourism. December to February are the cool dry months and see the highest number of travellers, while April and May are the hottest and driest months of the year. Dry season is when the skies are most blue and the water is at its clearest. The rainy season in the Philippines starts in June and lasts till October. Like elsewhere in South East Asia, the rain isn’t constant and generally doesn’t affect travels. You will still have lots of hot sunny days, and you can also avoid the crowds enjoy the lush green scenery. September and October are often the typhoon season in the Philippines, and the wettest time of year bringing torrential rains throughout the country.
What’s The Best Time To Book?
The simple answer to this question is as soon as you can. We operate a small number of trips with limited space, so trips can fill up fast. For most of our trips we are able to accept reservations up to 2 weeks prior to departure as long as there is still availability, but we generally recommend booking at least 3 months before your planned departure to allow us and yourself time to prepare for your trip, especially if you need help booking flights or need to arrange a payment plan. Booking early will also ensure you aren’t planning a 20 day adventure of a lifetime, only to find out you waited just a bit too long and now the trip is full.
How much spending money should I bring?
Ultimately the amount of spending money you will need will depend on the country you are travelling to and your own spending preferences. In general though, a minimum of about 25 EUROS a day is recommended for food, drink and basic necessities. It is POSSIBLE to eat for less than that, but you don’t always want to be eating street food or burning time hunting down the cheapest menu in town. If you want to partake in a few additional activities, do some shopping, and indulge in a few drinks in the evenings, then we would recommend increasing your budget accordingly.
Do I need to tip my tour leaders/guides/drivers?
At Far Out Adventures, we do not accept tips. Our Leaders are there to show you a good time and be your friend and we do have a pretty good time doing it. The job itself is reward enough, and we would rather you to keep your money for having an awesome time. As far as the drivers and day tour guides we use along the way, we do believe in rewarding good service, and our trip leaders always tip well on behalf of the whole group.
What should I bring for luggage?
Whatever works best for you will be fine, but we are big believers in the efficacy of the backpack. There are times on certain trips when we may have to walk a little to get to our accommodations, sometimes over sand, or up stairs, so our trip leaders personally prefer backpacks because its easier than dragging a suitcase. That being said you can bring whatever kind of luggage you are comfortable with. We do suggest bringing at least a small “day” bag or backpack.
What should I pack?
After you register and pay your deposit, we will send you a welcome email detailing your booking information and offering tips on how to prepare and pack for your trip. We go by the old adage “less is more”. You don’t want to lug around a heavy bag full of clothes, only half of which you’ll end up wearing. We recommend packing a few changes of clothes and leaving space in your bag so you have room to bring things back home. Laundry services are available everywhere we go.
When do I receive more detailed information regarding my trip?
After you have registered for your trip and paid your deposit, we will send you a welcome email outlining everything you need to know for your trip, including a trip preparation guide and your exact itinerary outlining the places you will go, the dates you’ll be there, how you’ll get there, and where you will stay. You will also be invited to join a Facebook group for your specific tour, where you can meet and introduce yourself to your fellow group participants, as well as access important information about your trip.
Will I need a passport?
Yes, you will need a passport with at least 6 months validity from the date of your return to travel internationally with Far Out Adventures. Application times for Canadian passports vary so it is best to apply for one asap if you do not have one yet.
Will I need any travel visas?
Visa requirements are different for every country we go to and are usually specific to the nationality of the traveller. Contact the closest embassy or consulate of the country you are travelling to for specific tourist visa requirements.
Will I need to get travel insurance?
Everyone who travels with Far Out Adventures must provide proof of travel insurance before departing for their trip. Please contact us if you have any questions about insurance.
Will my allergies or other health problems prevent me from participating?
We know first hand the difficulties that travelling with allergies presents, but it has never stopped us from getting out and seeing the world. We have personally found google translate to be our biggest ally in the battle against allergies. If you inform us of your allergies, we will make sure to have a print out stating your allergies in the local language so that we can inform the person taking your food or beverage order can communicate your needs to the kitchen. Following are couple of basic tips for those travelling with allergies. 1) If you have an epi-pen, bring it with you and carry it at all times. Be sure to inform your group leader of its existence and provide them any necessary instructions in the event it is needed. There will be a place to keep it cold in all of our accommodations. 2) Make sure you inform your fellow group members about your allergy and where to find your medication in the event of an emergency. This is important in the event you go on day trips without your guides. We ask that you let us know about any health concerns you have that may potentially affect your enjoyment of your trip, so that we can properly assist you and help you avoid any health problems in paradise.
What happens if I get sick or hurt?
While it is luckily not very common, one of the unfortunately realities of travelling is that sometimes people do get or hurt or sick. Our Trip Leaders always carry a list of all medical centers and hospitals located in or near the destinations we travel to. They are also trained in first aid, and carry a first aid kit with them. In the rare event that a traveller requires medical attention, we will immediately have one of the two trip leaders escort them to the hospital or medical center to assist them with the insurance prosses and whatever else is required, such as helping the traveller get in contact with anyone they may need to inform of the situation back home. Minor illnesses like traveller’s diarrhea are more common and generally caused by eating something your stomach isn’t used to like spicy food, or food that has been prepared differently, or something weird and exotic that caught your eye, like fried crickets or insect larvae. While it can be a pain in the butt (pun intended), you will always have access to bathrooms and if we have to make a pit stop along the way, it’s no problem at all.

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Expérience Info

- Best price guarantee
- Duration: 240 hours
- Printed tickets are accepted
- Mobile tickets are accepted
- We speak: EN language flag

Point de Rencontre

Les informations complètes sur l’opérateur, y compris les numéros de téléphone locaux à votre destination, sont incluses sur votre bon de confirmation. Nos chefs de produits sélectionnent uniquement les opérateurs les plus expérimentés et les plus fiables dans chaque destination, ce qui vous évite d’avoir à faire des conjectures et garantit votre tranquillité d’esprit.
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