Portinho da Arrábida

Private Boat Tours

Showing 1-6 from 6 tours

Have you ever been to Portinho da Arrábida?

Located within the Serra da Arrábida Natural Park, Portinho Beach is deemed one of the prettiest in all of Portugal. Its fine white sands and the various tones of blue of these clear waters contrast with the deep greens of the hills to create a beautiful scenario that is perfect for contemplative relaxation.

This calm bay is good for diving to enjoy the diverse marine life although fishing itself is forbidden given that the seabed itself is included in the Natural Park's protected area.

What People Are Saying

"Ich kann es jedem nur wärmstens empfehlen diese Tour mitzumachen der die Möglichkeit hat dies zu tun. Es war von der ersten Minute an bis zur letzten Minute super geplant und bestens organisiert. Wir waren zu 4. und es hat super geklappt. Wir haben Delfine aus nächster Nähe gesehen und super gut Mittag gegessen. 100% Weiterempfehlung!"

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