Asien > Thailand > Bangkok
Listing ID: 48970

10-Tägiger Geschmack Von Thailand

Dieses Abenteuer bleibt seinem Namen treu und bietet 3 klassische thailändische Reiseziele, die alle von der nächsten völlig verschieden sind. Probieren Sie die erstaunliche Vielfalt dieses Landes in diesem 10-tägigen Abenteuer durch einige unserer beliebtesten Backpacking-Ziele in Thailand. Dauer: 10 Days (approx.)
Einfache Stornierung - Stornieren Sie 3 Tage vorher eine volle Rückerstattung
Gedruckter oder mobiler Gutschein akzeptiert
Schnelle Buchungsbestätigung

Dieses Abenteuer bleibt seinem Namen treu und bietet 3 klassische Thai-Reiseziele, die sich alle stark voneinander unterscheiden. Diese Reise beginnt unter dem hellen Licht der thailändischen Hauptstadt Bangkok und führt uns dann durch den üppigen tropischen Dschungel und die unglaublichen Wasserfälle von Kanchanaburi, die in einem der berühmtesten Backpacking-Ziele Thailands, Koh Phangan, kulminieren. Erleben Sie die Sehenswürdigkeiten, Klänge und Aromen einer der lebendigsten und unterhaltsamsten Hauptstädte Asiens. Verbringen Sie Ihren Tag mit Wanderungen durch atemberaubende Bergregenwälder von einem Wasserfall zum nächsten und halten Sie sich auf dem Weg zur Abkühlung in kristallklaren Bergbecken auf. Faulenzen Sie den Tag an atemberaubenden weißen Sandstränden, die sich nachts in die wildesten Partyszenen verwandeln, die Sie je gesehen haben. Der 10-tägige Geschmack von Thailand ist der perfekte Einstieg in einige der klassischen Backpacking-Reiseziele Thailands.

- Was Wirst Du Tun

Sie kommen spät am ersten Abend in Bangkok an. Die Gruppe trifft sich zu Willkommensgetränken und einer kurzen Informationsveranstaltung in unserer Pension. Tag 2 ist der Beginn der Aktion, wenn wir unsere erste inbegriffene Aktivität beginnen, einen Tagesausflug in die ehemalige Hauptstadt von Ayutthaya, wo Sie einige der beeindruckendsten buddhistischen Tempel in ganz Thailand sehen werden.

Tag 3 machten wir uns auf den Weg nach Kanchanaburi in unserem privaten Minibus. Verbringen Sie die nächsten Tage damit, die Sehenswürdigkeiten und Geräusche des Dschungels zu genießen und die unglaublich entspannte Atmosphäre von Kanchanaburi zu genießen. Unsere Gruppenaktivität hier ist immer ein Gast Favorit, als wir die Dschungelpfade des Erawan National Park, Heimat von einigen der atemberaubendsten Wasserfälle der Welt. Am Nachmittag des sechsten Tages steigen wir in einen privaten Minibus zum Bahnhof in Nakhon Pathom, wo wir unseren Nachtzug nach Surat Thani, unserem Startpunkt nach Koh Phangan, nehmen.

Unser Zug kommt früh am Morgen in Surat Thani, Südthailand, an. Vom Bahnhof fahren wir mit einem Shuttle zum Pier und fahren mit der Fähre zur Überfahrt nach Koh Phangan. Unser Fahrer wird uns am Pier treffen und uns zu unseren fantastischen Unterkünften am Strand bringen! Verbringen Sie die nächsten Tage damit, den Wald, die Wasserfälle, Strände und Aussichtspunkte der Insel zu erkunden oder entspannen Sie sich in Sonne und Sand und bereiten Sie sich auf den Wahnsinn vor, der Sie am Tag 9, der legendären Full Moon Party am Haad Rin Beach erwartet. Du hast Tag und Nacht nach der Party Zeit, dich von dem Wahnsinn der letzten Nacht zu erholen, verabschiede dich von deiner neuen Gruppe von Freunden und bereite dich auf deine Weiterreise vor. An diesem Punkt, wie viele andere, haben Sie vielleicht so viel Spaß, dass Sie bleiben und uns weitere 10 Tage auf unserer Beaches, Boats & Jungles Tour hängen wollen.

- Was Zu Erwarten Ist

Bangkok: Bangkok ist bekannt für seine alten Tempel, sein pulsierendes Leben auf der Straße, sein fantastisches Essen und seine Fülle an Einkaufsmöglichkeiten. Bangkok ist eine große Stadt mit viel Abenteuerlichem. Die Skytrain-, U-Bahn- und Flussfähren verbinden Sie mit allen Bereichen der Stadt und machen die Navigation in der Stadt zum Kinderspiel. Wir beginnen oder enden (manchmal beide) mit all unseren Thailand-Reisen in Bangkok und geben all unseren Thailand-Reisenden die Möglichkeit, die Sehenswürdigkeiten und Klänge dieser wirklich weit entfernten Stadt zu genießen.

Besichtigen Sie die alten Schreine und Tempel, kaufen Sie die schwimmenden Märkte, Straßenstände und Weltklasse-Malls ein, fahren Sie mit einem langen Boot an den verschiedenen Orten Bangkoks oder verbringen Sie die Nacht im Backpacker-Party-Mekka von Khao San Rd. Bangkok ist eine große Zeit voller Spaß.

Kanchanaburi: Bekannt als Heimatort der Brücke über den Fluss Kwai, dem Ausgangspunkt der im Zweiten Weltkrieg gebauten birmanischen Todesbahn, ist Kanchanaburi nicht nur mit Geschichte beladen, sowohl neu als auch alt, es ist auch ein atemberaubend schöner Ort Viele Reisende brechen ihren Thailand-Reiseplan ab.
Der berühmte Fluss Kwai fließt durch die Stadt Kanchanaburi und die Berge, die von üppigem grünen Regenwald bedeckt sind. Der Erawan Nationalpark ist Heimat für einige der atemberaubendsten Wasserfälle der Welt. Das gebirgige und bewaldete Gelände ist nicht nur perfekt für Wasserfalljäger, es bietet auch reichlich Gelegenheit für Weltklasse-Trekking und Tierbeobachtungen.

Kanchanaburi ist auch einer der wenigen Orte in Thailand, wo Sie die Möglichkeit haben, mit asiatischen Elefanten in einer ethischen Umgebung zu interagieren. Machen Sie eine Wanderung durch den Dschungel, erfrischen Sie sich unter einem Wasserfall oder in einem köchelnden türkisfarbenen Pool, schwimmen Sie im Fluss Kwai oder schwimmen Sie mit Freunden, lernen Sie Freundschaft mit einem freundlichen Dickhäuter oder lernen Sie etwas über die lokale Geschichte. Ein wunderschöner Ort voller Geschichte, Natur und Abenteuer. Unsere Gruppen lieben immer Kanchanaburi.

Koh Phangan: Wenn Sie von Koh Phangan gehört haben, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass Sie von seinem Status als SE Asiens führende Strandparty-Destination gehört haben. Koh Phangan ist das ursprüngliche Zuhause der oft nachgeahmten, aber nie kopierten Full Moon Party. Was als kleines Treffen von Freunden am Strand von Haad Rin Mitte der achtziger Jahre begann, ist zu einer ungefähr monatlichen nächtlichen Gong-Show gewachsen, die je nach Jahreszeit 5.000 bis 30.000 Menschen anziehen kann.

Koh Phangan hat jedoch viel mehr zu bieten als nur raue Strand-, Dschungel- und Poolpartys. Besuchen Sie atemberaubende einsame Strände, genießen Sie ausgezeichnete Schnorchel- und Tauchmöglichkeiten, wandern Sie durch üppige, bewaldete Berge zu Wasserfällen, sehen Sie sich einen Muay Thai Kampf an oder genießen Sie einen erstklassigen Sonnenuntergang an einem der vielen Aussichtspunkte. Koh Phangan ist ein einfacher Ort, um sich davon zu fegen und viele Reisende tun, beschließen, einen kurzen Aufenthalt für Wochen, Monate oder sogar dauerhaft zu verlängern.

- Was Ist Enthalten

Far Out Willkommenspaket: Es gibt einen Reise-Informationsführer, ein Willkommens-Abendessen und ein paar Willkommensgeschenke, damit Sie sich in Ihrem Far Out Adventure wohl fühlen.
Nicht ein, sondern ZWEI kenntnisreiche und lustige Führer, die die Lage des Landes kennen und sicherstellen, dass Sie die Zeit Ihres Lebens haben, jeden Tag Ihrer Reise.
Alle Unterkünfte während Ihrer Reise. Wir haben unsere Reiseziele nach den besten verfügbaren Gruppenunterkünften durchsucht. Wir suchen immer nach der perfekten Kombination aus Umwelt, Komfort, Spaß, freundlichem Service und Sicherheit.
Alle Transporte zwischen Ausflugszielen und zu den eingeschlossenen Aktivitäten.
Mindestens eine Far Out-Aktivität in jedem Ziel, das wir besuchen, normalerweise die Top-Aktivitäten, die man machen muss. Das 20-tägige Thailand-Abenteuer umfasst die folgenden Aktivitäten.
- Ayutthaya-Tempelrundfahrt
- Kanchanaburi Day Adventure: Erawan Falls, Krasae Höhle, Death Railway Train, Brücke über den Fluss Kwai w / Mittagessen inkl.
- Vollmondparty
- Koh Phangan Poolparty

- Was Ist Nicht Enthalten

Geld ausgeben: Klicken Sie hier, um Budgetierungstipps zu erhalten.
Zusätzliche / optionale Aktivitäten
Reisevisa (30 Visa bei der Ankunft verfügbar für die meisten Nationalitäten, die mit dem Flugzeug anreisen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihr lokales thailändisches Konsulat oder Ihre Botschaft für weitere Informationen.)
Essen und Getränke (außer den in Was ist inbegriffen)
Transport für persönliche / optionale Aktivitäten, die nicht in der Tour enthalten sind.


What should I bring for luggage?
Whatever works best for you will be fine, but we are big believers in the efficacy of the backpack. There are times on certain trips when we may have to walk a little to get to our accommodations, sometimes over sand, or up stairs, so our trip leaders personally prefer backpacks because we find it easier than dragging a suitcase. That being said you can bring whatever kind of luggage you are comfortable with. We do suggest bringing at least a small backpack or “day bag”.
How much spending money should I bring?
Ultimately the amount of spending money you will need will depend on the country you are traveling to and your own spending preferences. In general, a minimum of $35-40 CAD a day is recommended for food, drink and basic necessities. It is POSSIBLE to eat for less than that, but you don’t always want to be eating street food or burning time hunting down the cheapest menu in town. If you want to partake in a few additional activities, do some shopping, and indulge in a few drinks in the evenings, then we would recommend increasing your budget accordingly.
What should I pack?
After you register and pay your deposit, we will send you a welcome email detailing your booking information and offering tips on how to prepare and pack for your trip. We go by the old adage “less is more”. You don’t want to lug around a heavy bag full of clothes, only half of which you’ll end up wearing. We recommend packing a few changes of clothes and leaving space in your bag so you have room to bring things back home. Laundry services are available everywhere we go.
Will I need to get travel insurance?
Everyone who travels with Far Out Adventures must provide proof of emergency medical travel insurance before departing for their trip. Please contact us if you have any questions about insurance.
What will the weather be like?
ou have probably heard of terms like “wet season” or “dry season” used to describe the weather in warm places. While there are certainly seasonal weather patterns, we would be hesitant to say it never rains during dry season, or it always rains during wet season. While you are certainly likely to see more cloudless days during dry season, the downside is the terrain can often be dry and the vegetation brown. On the flip side during wet season, it may shower often, but it’s usually only for a few minutes and the sun is out often. The other bonus to wet season is the vegetation is lush and beautiful, and things like rivers and waterfalls are flowing at their full potential (perfect for tubing). Weather doesn’t always stick to a schedule, but the following can generally be said about Thailand. It is usually said that there are 3 main seasons in Thailand; hot, monsoon (wet) and cool.
The hot season runs from March through June, with April and May being the hottest months of the year. The monsoon season can bring heavy rains and rough seas. This season can vary from year to year, and also varies from the west side of Thailand (Andaman side) and the east side (Gulf side). On the Andaman side Monsoon season can start as early as April or May, although the “official” beginning is considered to be June, and can last all the way until October sometimes, when the temperatures generally cool. In the far south the rains often don’t stop till November. On the Gulf side monsoon season is totally different. It can start as early as October, but officially begins in November, and lasts as late as May. Rain isn’t constant in the monsoon season, and in the early months it can actually be quite sporadic, raining for 1 or 2 hours in the afternoon or morning, then drying out. However, when it does rain it rains pretty hard. Late in the season is when it rains heaviest and most consistently. Flooding sometimes occurs at this time of year. The cool season normally lasts from November to February. For visitors it will still feel quite hot during cool season. The North and Northeast of the country can get a bit chilly in December.
Can I share a room with my friend or partner?
Generally speaking we stay in rooms with two single beds and a private bathroom. We can make sure you and your partner are always in the same room together, but on certain trips we stay with hostels or guesthouses in dormitory style rooms. Dorm rooms are always private to the group and will only be occupied by Far Out Adventures trip participants. If you are not keen about sharing rooms with others, please contact us and we will do whatever we can to try and put you in private accommodations.
Will I need a passport?
Yes, you will need a passport with at least 6 months validity from the date of your return, to travel internationally with Far Out Adventures. Application times for passports vary so it is best to apply for one asap if you do not have one yet.
Will I need any travel visas?
Visa requirements are different for every country we go to, and are usually specific to the nationality of the traveler. Most nationalities do not need a visa for visiting Thailand for up to 30 days (check with your local consulate or embassy to be certain), as long as their passport has at least 6 months validity and they have a confirmed flight out of Thailand. 30 days will be sufficient for any of our Thailand adventures. If you plan to stay longer than 30 days, you must apply for a 60 day tourism visa with your local embassy or consulate.
Will I need vaccinations and/or malaria pills?
As far as the countries we visit are concerned, none of them require any shots or vaccinations to enter. That doesn’t necessarily mean though that your doctor won’t recommend any. We have generally found in our experience that most travel health professionals will at least recommend having your shots for hepatitis, tetanus and typhoid. The decision to take malaria pills is entirely up to you. Some travelers choose to take them and others don’t. None of the locations we visit are a high risk of malaria, and some travelers do report varied negative side effects from antimalarials including increased susceptibility to sun burns, dizziness and insomnia. This being said, we are not health professionals and we won’t pretend to be. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the necessity of vaccinations and/or antimalarials, you should make sure to speak with your doctor before departure.
Will my allergies or other health problems prevent me from participating?
We know first hand the difficulties that traveling with allergies presents, but it has never stopped us from getting out and seeing the world. We have personally found google translate to be our biggest ally in the battle against allergies. If you inform us of your allergies, we will make sure to have a print out stating your allergies in the local language so that we can inform the person taking your food or beverage order can communicate your needs to the kitchen. Following are couple of basic tips for those traveling with allergies. If you have an epi-pen, bring it with you and carry it at all times. Be sure to inform your group leader of its existence and provide them any necessary instructions in the event it is needed. There will be a place to keep it cold in all of our accommodations. Make sure you inform your fellow group members about your allergy and where to find your medication in the event of an emergency. This is important in the event you go on day trips without your guides. We ask that you let us know about any health concerns you have that may potentially affect your enjoyment of your trip, so that we can properly assist you and help you avoid encountering any health problems in paradise.
Are your tours accessible?
Accessibility in South East Asia is unfortunately very far behind what we are used to at home. The availability of accessible shops, restaurants, accommodations, transportation and other services is virtually non-existent in most places other than the big cities. Traveling this part of the world with a disability can be very challenging at times, but it is certainly not impossible. If you have questions about traveling with a disability, please contact us and we will do whatever we can to help you plan the adventure of a lifetime.
How do I meet up with group?
Whether you are flying on your own or we are arranging your flight for you, we will send you an email after you book, detailing the process for meeting with your group leader. In general, it is a very simple process. We will have a Facebook event page set up for each and all of our tours detailing the itinerary and including instructions for meeting at the arrival destination. Airport pick up is generally free. All customers on flights booked by Far Out will be picked up at the airport with their fellow group members and transported to their accommodation free of charge. For customers booking their own flights we will make every effort to have a guide meet you and pick you up for free. If not possible due to schedule, we will give you all the necessary information and assistance to make your transportation from the airport to our accommodation simple and worry free.
Am I able to travel solo?
Many of our guests are solo travelers. Our groups are a great environment to meet people and make new friends, and if you travel solo we will always place you will someone of your own gender. If sharing a room doesn’t sound appealing we are usually able to arrange for private accommodations. Private accommodations come with an additional fee depending on the trip, so if you are interested in your own room please contact us to confirm the additional cost.
How many people are normally in a group?
Groups sizes can vary quite a bit depending on the tour and the time of year, but are typically between 8-18 guests plus 2 guides.
What’s included in the price?
The following is included in the price of your Far Out Adventure: All accommodations. All land, air and sea travel between destinations included in the itinerary (not including transcontinental flights). All the activities listed on the tour information page, including at least one can’t miss activity in each destination. A welcome package including information about your trip destinations, tips for preparing for your trip and a few cool gifts when we finally meet you at your arrival destination.
What’s not included in the price?
The following items are not included in the price of your Far Out Adventure: Food outside that mentioned in the itinerary and beverages, including alcohol Personal activities not listed in the itinerary Transportation not included in the itinerary Travel Visas Travel Insurance
What’s the average age of trip participant? Is there a maximum age?
Being that we operate a more physically demanding, backpacking style tour with a lot of walking, climbing, hiking, etc. in some very hot climates, we do generally limit participation in our tours to travelers in 18-“30 something” range, with the majority of those falling between 23-30 years. The nature of our tours is admittedly a little more physically demanding than your average group tour. That being said, we believe that anyone who is up to the task should have the opportunity to participate, so we do occasionally accept travelers outside that age, as long as they are comfortable undertaking the inherently active nature of our trips.
What kind of overall experience will I have on my Far Out Adventure?
We don’t like to blow our own horn too often, but it is not unreasonable when you travel with Far Out Adventures to expect to have an amazing journey full of life changing experiences, with amazing people, in some of the most beautiful places on earth!! Each and every one of our adventures is designed to immerse you in the beauty, culture and history of our locations while providing you access to all the best activities and amenities, along with the freedom to choose what you want to do. This way you get the most out of your trip and you get to spend your time doing the things that interest you most. Our travel concept is not to sell you a package where we have decided how you will spend your time, but to help you design the best experience for you. At Far Out Adventures we feel like this is YOUR adventure. Our trips are light on itinerary and heavy on choice. Our trip leaders are very knowledgeable and experienced in the destinations we travel to, so no matter what you have on your bucket list, we are able to help you do and see anything you have your mind set on. Even if there is a location somewhere not included on our itinerary that you want to take a couple days to explore on your own, our Group Leaders will be able to help you plan any such side getaways, and get you back to the group safely and easily to enjoy the rest of your journey. As for the people you will be traveling with, your group will be mostly made up of like-minded folks who are all out here for the same reason; to experience something beautiful, new and exciting and to expand and broaden our world perspectives. One of the best things about traveling with a group of fun loving, like minded people is that in a matter of days you will find yourself making a number of new friendships that will last a lifetime. In short, traveling with Far Out Adventures is an amazingly exciting, dynamic, and worry-free travel experience that is every bit a personal journey custom tailored to your individual needs as it is a group experience. We take you to some of the best places on earth, with some of the most amazing people you’ll ever meet, and give you the freedom to enjoy your trip doing the things you enjoy doing.
Will I get to experience other cultures?
In our opinion, and in our own experience, immersing yourself in new cultures is one of the most rewarding parts of traveling, so on our trips we give you plenty of opportunity to do just that. Whether you’re learning about a country’s history as we explore ancient temples, eating authentic local food, hanging with the locals in some of their favorite spots, or learning some of the local language, the opportunities to have authentic and meaningful interactions with local people and cultures is plentiful on our adventures.
Is this going to be a party trip?
Our trips are not designed to be party trips per se. Our focus is and always has been sharing our favorite travel destinations with others and helping you have the trip of a lifetime, whatever that entails for you. That being said, when people get together in sunny destinations with a shared interest in beautiful places and awesome times, it’s inevitable that some partying is going to happen. That being said, our destinations have a lot to offer for the night owl AND the day adventurer alike. If partying isn’t your thing, there is absolutely no need to worry. We have 2 guides to compensate for the varied interests of the group, and you will never be at a loss for ways to have an amazing time. One of the great things about traveling in a group is that there are always people doing different things, so however you prefer to spend your time and socialize there will be plenty of opportunities to do so with like minded people. We do occasionally plan parties for the group in certain destinations, but needless to say the revelry is always optional and not at all necessary to have a great time at our destinations. If partying is a concern of yours, we assure you there is no reason to worry. There will be lots of ways to fill your days with fun, and our trip leaders always put just as much emphasis on enjoying the surrounding environment and taking in the local history and culture, as they do on anything else.
Will there be Wi-Fi access?
Wi-Fi access is largely available everywhere you go nowadays, and our trip destinations are no exception. Wi-Fi is available at all our accommodations, as well as most bars and restaurants, so no worries, you will be able to post all those awesome jealousy-inducing pics to your social media, and your family won’t have to worry about being able to contact you.
What happens if I get sick or hurt?
While luckily it is not very common, one of the unfortunately realities of traveling is that sometimes people do get or hurt or sick. Our Trip Leaders always carry a list of all medical centers and hospitals located in or near the destinations we travel to. They are also trained in first aid, and carry a first aid kit with them. In the rare event that a traveler requires medical attention, we will immediately have one of the two trip leaders escort them to the hospital or medical center to assist them with the insurance process and whatever else is required, such as helping the traveler get in contact with anyone they may need to inform of the situation back home. Minor illnesses like traveler’s diarrhea are more common and generally caused by eating something your stomach isn’t used to like spicy food, or food that has been prepared differently, or something weird and exotic that caught your eye, like fried crickets or insect larvae. While it can be a pain in the butt (pun intended), you will always have access to bathrooms and if we have to make a pit stop along the way, it’s no problem at all. Sh*t happens (pun intended) and it happens to even the most seasoned travelers.

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- Duration: 10 days
- Printed tickets are accepted
- Mobile tickets are accepted
- We speak: EN language flag


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