Asia > Nepal > Kathmandu
Listing ID: 94431

Trekking De 12 Días Al Campamento Base Del Everest Y Vuelo En Helicóptero De Regreso A Katmandú

Everest Base Camp Heli Trek, 12 días de viaje guiado al campamento base de Everest y vuelo de regreso a Katmandú en un helicóptero privado desde Pheriche. Duración: 11 Days (approx.)
Cancelación Fácil - Cancela 3 días antes para un reembolso completo
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El campamento base del Everest Trek y vuelo en helicóptero es una de las caminatas cortas para el campamento base del Everest; Especialmente enfocado en aquellos que quieren experimentar la aventura en vacaciones limitadas. Le aseguramos por la experiencia celestial y la desafiante aventura que vale su tiempo y dinero. Desde EBC Heli Trek, puedes experimentar la gloria de la montaña desde todos los ángulos. Cuando los senderos comienzan desde Lukla hasta el campamento base del Everest, puedes explorar los impresionantes paisajes a través de los escalones ascendentes. Que mira hacia los picos y los otros ángulos de la vista del horizonte desde un helicóptero en el camino de regreso a Katmandú.

Como el monte. El Everest es el pico más alto del mundo, por lo que alcanzar el campamento base del Everest es un gran logro en sí mismo. El emocionante viaje comienza desde Lukla, que recorre diferentes senderos a través del denso bosque, el pueblo étnico sherpa, los ríos que fluyen rápidamente, los paisajes asombrosos, el bosque verde y tranquilo, los profundos cañones y la región fría y árida a los pies de los grandes picos montañosos. Esta aventura también te permite descubrir el estilo de vida rural de montaña de los nepaleses.

Desde el Everest Base Camp Trek y vuelo en helicóptero; se obtiene la vista combinada de todos los picos montañosos deslumbrantes, incluido el monte. Everest (8848 m), Mt Lhotse 8516 m, Mt. Nuptse 7855m, monte. Pumori 7161m, monte. Changaste 7550m, monte. Lenceria 6679m, monte. Amadablam 6856m, monte. Thamserku 6723m, Mt.Kongde 6011m, Mt.Twache peak 6367m, Mt. Cholaste 6335m, pico de la isla 6179m, pico Lobuche 6145m. Además, Pokalde peak 5806m, Honku south peak 6119m son los principales picos elevados que reflejan la memoria de toda la vida. Además, las impresionantes vistas del sendero por el que ha caminado y las terrazas empinadas cultivan las tierras desde la vista aérea. Dejando su paso en el regazo del campamento base del Everest, volará de regreso a Katmandú en un viaje en helicóptero.

Itinerario Detallado

Día 01: Llegada a Katmandú y traslado al hotel. Breve resumen en la noche (1300 metros)
Al llegar al aeropuerto internacional de Tribhuvan, un representante de Peregrine Treks le dará la bienvenida y lo dejará en el hotel después de media hora de viaje desde el aeropuerto. Tendrás tiempo libre para descansar. Por la noche, el guía le brindará información sobre la caminata y se preparará para la aventura del día siguiente.

Día 02: Vuelo de Lukla y caminata hasta phakding (2651 metros) Distancia de 8 km, 3 horas de caminata
Tendrá un vuelo temprano desde Katmandú a Lukla (aeropuerto de Tenzing Hillary). Este es el punto de inicio de toda la caminata del Everest. El otro miembro de nuestro equipo se unirá a nosotros de Lukla. Ahora nuestro equipo desciende gradualmente a la aldea Cheplung desde donde podrá ver de cerca la montaña sagrada llamada Monte. Khumbila que nunca ha sido escalada. Los senderos descienden gradualmente a Phakding, donde nuestro equipo pasará la noche.

Día 03: Trek To Namche (3440 metros) 11km Distancia, aprox. 7 horas
Después del desayuno temprano por la mañana, los senderos continúan hacia Phakdine, que pasa por un bosque de pinos a lo largo del río Dudh Koshi, cruzando el puente colgante que parece estar decorado con una bandera de oraciones sagradas. Ahora, entrando en el parque nacional de Sagarmatha, continuamos nuestra caminata hacia Jorasalle, observando las piedras de mani en el camino. El almuerzo será servido aquí. Una vez más, los senderos descienden abruptamente hacia Namche Bazar, un hermoso valle que se considera como la capital de los sherpas, desde donde se puede ver por primera vez la majestuosa montaña del monte. Everest. Pernocte en el bazar de Namche.

Día 04: Día de aclimatación para evitar la gran altitud para los próximos días
Un día más en Namche Bazar te ayudará a acostumbrarte a la gran altitud a medida que el oxígeno se adelgaza más y más en la alta. Será bueno para usted mantenerse activo y luego descansar más para la aventura del día siguiente. Puede ir de excursión al mirador del Everest, justo por encima del Bazar de Namche. También puede visitar el museo Sherpa para obtener información sobre la cultura Sherpa, también puede ver la huella de Yeti en el museo y mucha información histórica y geográfica de la montaña y la gente aquí. Pernocte en el mismo lodge.

Día 05: Caminata a Tengboche (3870 metros) 10 km Distancia, aprox. 6 horas
Después del desayuno temprano por la mañana, continuamos nuestra caminata hacia Tengboche a lo largo de algunos descensos y algunos ascendemos a través de los bosques de rododendros, los senderos bajan hasta Phungi Thanka, donde tendrá su almuerzo. Los senderos ahora descienden a Tengboche, que le brinda las magníficas vistas de las diferentes montañas como Lhotse, Nuptse, Amadablm, incluyendo el monte. Everest. Pernocte en el albergue.

Día 06: Trek To Dingboche (4360 metros) 9 Km de distancia, aprox. 5 horas
Después del desayuno temprano por la mañana, el sendero desciende suavemente a través del bosque de rododendros. Hoy los senderos son bastante fáciles de comparar con otros días. Ahora cruzará la línea de árboles observando las piedras de mani y el bosque de coníferas admirando la vista del monte. Everest, Lhotse y Amadablam. El sendero continúa cuesta abajo hasta Dengboche cruzando el río Imja para llegar a Pangboche para el almuerzo. Nuestro paseo continúa después del almuerzo visitando el famoso monasterio de Pangboche y la vista de las montañas fabulosas estará junto con usted todo el día. Continuamos nuestra caminata hacia el valle de Imja. Ahora, el sendero asciende literalmente hasta Dingboche, el hermoso pueblo que solía ser el asentamiento de verano para el pastoreo de yak, de modo que pueda ver el yak pastando en la pendiente de los acantilados. Pernocte en el albergue de Dingboche.

Día 07: Dingboche 2º Día de Aclimatación
Comienzas tu día con la vista del amanecer entre los picos majestuosos. Aunque este es el día para la relajación de su cuerpo, le recomendamos que se mantenga activo con caminatas y caminatas moderadas. Aquí puede obtener la oportunidad de conocer a los aldeanos y su cultura única y explorar el campo de cebada, trigo, trigo sarraceno y papa, bellamente cultivado. Pernocte en el albergue.

Día 08: Caminata a Lobuche (4940 metros) 7 Km de distancia, aprox. 6 horas
Después del desayuno, comenzamos nuestro día con un ascenso moderado a Duglha al final de la morrena terminal del glaciar Khumbu, que es un pequeño pueblo de una hilera colorida de banderas de oraciones colgadas en todo el valle. Continuamos con nuestras abruptas ascensiones a Chupki Lara, que se dirige a la morrena del glaciar Khumbu, donde se puede presenciar los picos de desintegración como Khumbutse, Lingtern, Pumori y Mahlangu Himal. Luego el sendero sigue el camino a Lobuche donde pasará la noche.

Día 09: Trek To Gorakshep (5170 metros) y EBC (5364 metros) 13 Km de distancia, aproximadamente 8 horas
Después del desayuno, hoy tomamos el camino hacia el campamento base del Everest, que no es muy difícil. Continuamos nuestra caminata hacia algunos senderos de ascenso y descenso, principalmente en un sendero glaciar. La caminata es extenuante debido al aire fino en la alta elevación. Pasando por las dunas rocosas, morrenas y arroyos en el camino llegamos al campamento base del Everest. Las maravillosas vistas y las pintorescas vistas del majestuoso pico como Nuptse, Khumbutse y Pumori le darán la bienvenida. Después de esta experiencia celestial, volvemos a Gorakshep. Pernocte en el albergue.

Día 10: Viaje a Kalapather (5545 metros) para ver el amanecer y volar de regreso a Katmandú en helicóptero
Hoy nos levantamos temprano para caminar hacia Kala Patthar en la oscuridad con temperatura fría y viento frío. Después de la caminata moderada de 2-3 horas, llegamos a Kalapatthar. La vista desde la cima es adorable. Cada pico es revelador en sí mismo, incluyendo el monte. Everest. Después de disfrutar del magnífico panorama de montaña volvemos a Gorak Shep. Tomaremos un viaje en helicóptero desde donde podrá explorar la vista combinada de todas las montañas desde el horizonte. Volamos sobre las serenas aguas del lago Gokyo y la impresionante vista de los senderos por los que ha caminado. Dejando sus pasos en el regazo del campamento base del Everest, volará de regreso a Katmandú. Su guía lo llevará a Kathmandu Sightseeing. Pernocte en el hotel.

Día 11: Salida final.
Este es el último día en la tierra del Everest. Después del desayuno o el almuerzo de acuerdo con el horario de su vuelo, lo dejaremos en el aeropuerto internacional de Tribhuvan unas horas antes del vuelo programado. Vuelve a tu casa.

- Qué Harás

Día 01: Llegada a Katmandú (1,350m / 4,428ft)
Día 02: Vuele a Lukla, camine a Phakding (2,651 m / 8,700 pies): 40 minutos de vuelo; 8km, 3 - 4 horas de caminata.
Día 03: Phakding a Namche Bazaar (3,438m / 11,280 pies): 11km, 5 - 6 horas
Día 04: Namche Bazaar: aclimatación.
Día 05: Namche Bazaar a Tengboche (3,870m / 12,694 pies): 10 km, 5 - 6 horas
Día 06: Tengboche a Dingboche (4,360 m / 14,300 ft): 9km, 5 - 6 horas
Día 07: Dingboche: aclimatación.
Día 08: Dingboche a Lobuche (4940 m / 16,207 pies): 7 km, 5-6 horas
Día 09: Lobuche a Gorak Shep (5,170 m / 16,961 pies), visita el campamento base del Everest (5,364 m / 17,594 pies): 13 km, 6-7 horas
Día 10: Gorak Shep a Kala Patthar, de regreso a Gorak Shep, volar a Lukla en helicóptero: 3 km, 3-4 horas de caminata.
Día 11: Vuelo a Katmandú.
Día 12: Salida final.

- Que Esperar

- Visita a los sitios del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO en la ciudad de Katmandú.
- Visite Namche Bazaar, la capital Sherpa, la puerta de entrada al Everest.
- Asista a la caminata del campamento base del Everest a Kalapather para obtener vistas majestuosas de los demás del Everest.
- Vuelo en helicóptero más pintoresco de regreso a Katmandú cabeza a cabeza con el Himalaya.

- Lo Que Esta Incluido

- Recogidas en aeropuerto y lanzamientos en vehículo privado.
- Alojamiento en hotel de lujo en Katmandú por dos noches con desayuno.
- El mejor alojamiento disponible en la casa de té durante la caminata al Everest.
- Todas las comidas (desayuno, almuerzo y cena) durante la caminata.
- Todo el transporte terrestre en un vehículo privado cómodo según el itinerario
- Vuelos domésticos desde un avión regular Twin Otter (Kathmandu- Lukla -Kathmandu)
- Entradas para visitas turísticas / monumentos según el itinerario.
- Un líder de trek experimentado y asistente de habla inglesa y con licencia del gobierno (4: 1)
- Servicio de portería (2: 1).
- Gastos de helicóptero / helicóptero según el itinerario.
- Costos de personal, incluidos su salario, seguro, equipo, pasajes aéreos nacionales, comida y alojamiento
- Chaqueta de plumón y saco de dormir (para devolver después de completar el viaje)
- El bolso de trekking / bolso de viaje, la camiseta y el mapa de trekking de Peregrine son tuyos.
- Todos los permisos de trámites y trekking necesarios (Permiso de Parque Nacional, TIMS)
- Kit médico (llevado por tu líder trek)
- Todos los impuestos gubernamentales y locales.

- Lo Que No Está Incluido

- tasa de visa nepalí
- Cargos por exceso de equipaje
- Noche extra en Katmandú debido a la llegada anticipada, a la salida tardía, al regreso temprano de la montaña (por cualquier motivo) que no sea el itinerario programado
- Almuerzo y cena en Katmandú (y también en el caso de un regreso temprano de la montaña que el itinerario programado)
- Vuelos internacionales y viajes en helicóptero desde Katmandú-Lukla-Katmandú (si así lo solicitan los huéspedes)
- Seguro de viaje y rescate.
- Gastos personales (llamadas telefónicas, internet, lavandería, facturas de bar, recarga de la batería, cargadores adicionales, botella o agua hervida, ducha, etc.)
- Propinas para guía (s), portero (s) y conductor (s).

- Traslados

Para el servicio de traslado al aeropuerto, debe proporcionar los detalles de su vuelo en el momento de la reserva.


What type of shape do I need to be in, is this trip for me?
Everest Base Camp Heli Trek is suitable for average people who are moderately fit. Some physical fitness programs such as running, swimming and hiking are recommended before you embark on this journey. While on the trek, it is common to experience some discomfort before being fully acclimatized. Two rules you need to remember to prevent and beat altitude mountain sickness (AMS) are: drink lots of water (at least 3 litres a day) and walk slowly.
Will somebody come to pick me up at the airport upon my arrival?
Yes, our airport representative will be there to greet you at the airport. S/he will be displaying an Ace the Himalaya signboard outside the airport terminal. Upon arrival, you will be transferred to your hotel in our tourist vehicle.
Can I obtain the visa for Nepal upon on arrival at the airport?
YES, you can obtain a visa easily upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport in Kathmandu. Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 30 days can be obtained by paying US $ 40 or equivalent foreign currency. Similarly, Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 90 days can be obtained by paying US $ 100.
Do I need any extra documents?
Please bring a copy of your travel insurance, a copy of your passport and 3 photos (passport size) with you for your trip to Nepal. You would need photos for permits.
What sort of accommodation can I expect in Kathmandu and in trekking?
We use standard rooms at three star hotels in Kathmandu with breakfast included. Along the trekking routes, teahouses/lodges generally provide basic clean facilities with a mattress and a quilt or blanket. We can also offer you Ace the Himalaya sleeping bags if needed (to be returned after the trip) but it is a good idea to always have your own sleeping equipment. The lodges in trekking routes usually provide single and double rooms, or occasionally a dormitory. At times when possible, dining will be around a bonfire. In teahouses, food will be prepared in the kitchen, which you should not enter without permission.
Is it possible to swap my accommodation from mountain guesthouse to hotels in Kathmandu?
Substituting the accommodation or swapping from mountain guest house to Kathmandu is NOT possible. We only provide three nights’ accommodation in Kathmandu included in the package. In case of flight cancellation or early arrival to Kathmandu due to any sickness in the mountain or any of your own personal reason or due to bad weather and you are unable to continue the trek, you will need an extra night accommodation/s in Kathmandu. We can make these arrangements for a supplemental charge.
What are the Toilet facilities in the tea house/guesthouse?
Most of the tea houses do have western style flushing toilet however in higher elevation you could find the squat toilets made of either a ceramic basin on the ground or few planks precariously positioned over a hole in the ground which is always outside of the room.
Do I need to bring toilet paper for the trek?
All the guest houses sell the toilet paper so you can buy it there itself. Hand sanitizer and a towel you must bring your own.
What sort of food can I expect in trekking?
Most teahouses (lodges) in Everest region trails cook a delicious range of mostly vegetarian fare. Pasta, tuna bakes, noodles, potatoes, eggs, daal bhat(rice and lentils), bread, soup, fresh vegetables (variety depends on the season) and even some desserts like apple pies, pancakes, and some interesting attempts at custard. You will find a lot of garlic on the menu because it assists with acclimatization – eat some every day. In many larger villages you may find some meat items on the menu. You can always get hot chocolate, tea, and hot lemon drinks, as well as soft drinks, and treats like chocolate and crisps. Each day dinner and breakfast will be at a lodge you’ll stay at while for the lunch you would be stopping by on the way where you can order your meals as per your choice. Guide will help you to stop by at best possible places to eat.
Is the food in the mountain prepared to international standard in terms of safety?
YES, the food is very safe during the trekking and we recommend you to eat vegetarian and local food. Please follow the suggestion of our guide on the trek.
I am a Vegetarian. Is that a Problem?
No problem at all because mostly, the lodges serve the vegetarian meals. We always recommend our clients to eat vegetarian meals to avoid food poisoning, eating heavy meals and non- vegetarian meals at the high altitude is not really safe for the stomach.
What is the drinking water facility in the mountain?
Bottled water is easily available at the lodges and teahouses. You can buy bottled water at the cost of USD 2 at lower elevations to USD 4 to higher elevation per littler. More higher you go it would be expensive. If you are planning to drink normal water, purifying water with any sort of purification tablets or drop is must. One can purchase purification tablets or iodine in Kathmandu, Lukla or Namche.
What opportunities will I have for a shower along the trek?
The guesthouses at Lukla, Phakding and Namche provide the facilities of a hot shower. For all above showers, it would cost you an extra about USD 3-4 per shower. The higher you go the hot shower would be expensive.
How much additional money do I need per day?
It depends on your spending habits. Generally, in Kathmandu, you can allocate USD 10 to USD 15 for a lunch and a dinner. USD 20 to USD 25 per person a day will be enough to buy bottles of water, chocolates, lunch and dinner, hot shower and a few drinks during the trekking. Please note, higher you go the things would be expensive especially at higher altitude; all the goods are supplied either by helicopter, horse, mules or porters therefore the things are expensive.
Can I use credit cards in the places I visit in trekking?
During the trekking period, cash transaction is highly recommended. Please change the currency in local Nepali Rupees before you go to the mountains. Especially in the Everest trail, ATM would be available only in Namche and relying on it is not a better idea as you never know when things stops working. Also if you try to exchange your foreign currency there you would be getting very less exchange rates. So changing money from Kathmandu and taking Nepalese cash is a wise idea, which we too recommend.
What mode of transportation do you use?
We use private tourist vehicles for airport transfers and city tours. Depending on the group size we use cars, minibus and vans. All the vehicles are usually air-conditioned unless we are travelling in cooler seasons. For domestic flights (Kathmandu – Lukla – Kathmandu), we use Tara Air, Summit Air and Sita Air-popular domestic airlines. And, for heli-tour we use Fishtail Air, Air Dynasty and Simrik Air.
What is the alternative option if my flight to and from Lukla is cancelled or delayed?
Twin Otter and Dornier is the primary mode of transport to and from the airstrip at Lukla. This service is fairly dependable. Sometimes, flights (to and from Lukla) may be cancelled due to mountain weather conditions or technical issues. In such a case, Peregrine Treks can help you charter a helicopter to ensure you are on schedule for your trek or international flight. The helicopter can fly if the visibility is 1500m, while the twin otter and Dornier can fly if the visibility is 5000m, as per Nepal’s Civil Aviation rules. If weather is extreme and the visibility is lesser than 1,500m helicopters are also not operated for the flights. In such cases, we will reschedule your flight for next day provide you with alternative trek options.
In case of cancelled flights due to weather conditions, how do we reach Lukla from Kathmandu and vice versa?
In case of emergency cancellation of flights due to weather condition at Lukla or in Kathmandu, we recommend our clients to wait for some time for the weather to clear out. In case the weather fails to clear out and the flights are not likely to take place then in such cases we recommend to go for a helicopter charter. This facility can be provided if our clients are agreeing to pay the extra charges to apply for the heli ride. The helicopter takes 4 to 6 passengers at a time and the cost can be shared amongst the passengers. The cost must be paid by the participant, which can later be submitted for reimbursement through a travel insurance company. We can help you with the necessary documents for a claim.
What is the best season for this trekking?
The months from March to May and from late September to early December are the best time to sign up for this trip.
What is the weather and temperature like in trekking?
One of the most unpredictable elements of the Everest region is the weather. If you’re not properly prepared for the twists, turns and volatility of the conditions that can occur in this breathtaking region, you might find yourself in an uncomfortable and unpleasant situation. Here are some weather basics to help ensure that you come to the Himalayas as well equipped and prepared to face anything. Generally speaking, the nights are much cooler than the daytime hours in the Everest region. Many first-time trekkers are surprised to learn about the incredible range that may occur in a given day. During the day, the thermometer could reach temps as high as 25 degrees C (77 Degrees F), only to dip down as low as -20 degrees C (-4 Degrees F) in less than 24 hours. While there’s no way to know exactly what each day in the mountains will bring, the weather and temperature ranges tend to be somewhat predictable based on the month and season. Spring – March / April / May / June Spring happens to be one of the best times of the year to visit the Everest region, although because of this, it can become somewhat crowded. One can meet many other Everest climbers during this season and base camp is full of tents. The beautiful clear blue sky can be seen and the many different species of flower are visible in the lower altitude. During springtime, the average temperature is 20 degrees C (68 Degrees F), with a maximum of 25 degrees C (77 Degrees F), during sunny days and a minimum of -15 degrees C (5 Degrees F), in the morning and at night for areas above 4000 meters. Monsoon – July / August Through Mid-September This season is not really recommended to travel as it rains in the lower altitudes, below 3500 meters. In areas above 4000 meters, it rains sometimes and although it is also sometimes dry, very few people travel during this season. There are positive sides of trekking during the monsoon months as the excess rainfall can provide ample chance to see spectacular views of the waterfall and it’s also the best season to avoid the crowds. During Monsoon, the average temperature is 22 degrees C (71.6 Degrees F), with a maximum of 30 degrees C (86 Degrees F), during sunny days and a minimum of -5 degrees C (23 Degrees F), in the morning and at night for areas above 4000 meters. Autumn – End of September / October / November Similar to springtime, autumn in the Everest region is also a crowded season, but it’s one of the best times to trek. While it lacks the beauty of flowers, the clear blue sky can be seen, affording incredible views from just about every angle. The average temperature during the fall is 17 degrees C (62.6 Degrees F), with a maximum temp of 20 degrees C (68 Degrees F), during sunny days and a minimum of -15 degrees C (5 Degrees F), in the morning and at night, for areas above 4000 meters altitude. Winter- December/ January/ February Winter start from mid December till mid February. People still like to trek in this month due to fewer crowds. View is still good but foggy so having extra days is highly recommended during this period. The average temperature during the winter is 10 degrees C (50 Degrees F), with a maximum temp of 17 degrees C (62.6 Degrees F), during sunny days and a minimum of -20 degrees C (-4 Degrees F), in the morning and at night, for areas above 4000 meters altitude. The above temperature is based on outside of the guesthouse temperature. No need worry about the cold temperature as we provide the sleeping bag plus the extra blanket to make sure our clients are warm enough during the time of need.
Do your guides have trekking guide certificates from the Hotel Management and Tourism Center? Have they received first aid training for high altitude?
Yes, they have all received a 45-day training from the Hotel Management and Tourism Center in Nepal. The guides have also received high altitude first aid training from KEEP (Kathmandu Environmental Education Project). Please check our Trekking Guides Profiles and Training Certificates.
What safety measures are in place? What safety equipment do your guides carry with them on trek to deal with sickness/accidents?
Our guides are 24 hours available for the services during the trek. They are trained to use the first aid kit and have the knowledge to use oximeter in order to track your oxygen level just to make sure you are fit enough to continue your high altitude walk. Guides also carry local sim cards both Nepal Telecom and Ncell in order to update whereabouts and situation of our every client. During the time of emergency, our guides are alert and keep updated to head office in Kathmandu that is available 24 /7 to arranging from horse to mules or helicopters in the must needed cases especially when client is seriously sick in the mountain and needed to be hospitalized.
Is there any communication while we are on trekking?
There are telephones in some villages along the trekking routes from which you can make international calls. All our guides carry local sim cards both Nepal Telecom and Ncell in order to update the whereabouts and situation of our every client. You may pass the number of our guide to your family for the callback or you can make a call from the guide’s mobile and pay him directly for the international call too.
Can I charge my digital camera or other equipment on my trip?
These facilities will be available in most of the places in your hotel reception by paying some service charges. Remember to bring TWO and THREE pin travel adapters! You can also buy the adapters in the supermarkets or electronic shops in the Kathmandu. Our guide can help you with it.
Do you use porters on the trek or do we carry all of our own gear?
Whilst on the trek, our porter will take care of your luggage. All you need to carry is your small day bag for your personal belongings like camera, water bottle, sun cream etc.
Do I need to tip my guide and porters? How much would that be?
This is a difficult thing to gauge. We have seen everything from USD 20 to USD 1000 per person for guides and porters. Tipping is not required, but a small gesture of thanks to your guides and local porters. The level of the tip should reflect the level of satisfaction from and personal involvement with your guide. However, we recommend you to spend minimum 10% of your total trip cost for tipping entire local staffs, the ratio of tipping guide and porter will be given to you at the pre-trip meeting in Kathmandu before starting the trek.
All your departure is guaranteed to run?
YES, all our trips are guaranteed to run. We never cancel the trip due to not having enough participants; we can arrange the trip for one person as well as a private trip at very minimal additional cost. Please inquire about this during the time of booking.

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Price per person:
- From 1 to 1 persons: 3,750.00  /person.
- From 2 to 2 persons: 2,438.00  /person.
- From 3 to 15 persons: 2,000.00  /person.

Información de la experiencia

- Best price guarantee
- Duration: 11 days
- Printed tickets are accepted
- Mobile tickets are accepted
- We speak: EN language flag DE language flag ES language flag FR language flag

Punto de encuentro

La información completa del Operador, incluidos los números de teléfono locales en su destino, está incluida en su Comprobante de Confirmación. Nuestros gerentes de productos seleccionan solo los operadores más experimentados y confiables en cada destino, eliminando las conjeturas por usted y asegurando su tranquilidad.
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