Arco da Almedina

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Arco da Almedina -

Já esteve em Arco da Almedina?

Remontando ao séc. XI como indica o topónimo de origem árabe que significa "a cidade", o Arco de Almedina fazia parte das muralhas medievais. É hoje a entrada na Coimbra antiga, onde se pode ver uma escultura da oficina de João de Ruão.

Também conhecido por Arco da Barbacã, é sobreposto por uma torre que teve várias funções ao longo dos séculos. Nos séculos XIV e XV foi a sede do poder municipal, a Casa da Câmara, e mais tarde a Casa de Audiência onde se reunia a vereação.

No alto, o sino de correr anunciava as sessões camarárias e as horas do abrir e fechar das portas para a população, função que manteve até 1870. No local existia uma pequena capela dedicada a Nossa Senhora da Conceição onde se realizava missa antes das reuniões.

Em 1835, com a definição de um novo espaço para os Paços do Concelho, a torre passa a ter novas ocupações, entre as quais se refere a Sociedade de Instrução dos Operários (1851), a Filarmónica Conimbricense e a Escola Livre de Artes e Desenho (1878). Em 1954 o espaço é adaptado a Museu Etnográfico, dando-lhe a aparência actual, e em 1988 passa a servir o Arquivo Histórico Municipal, função que ainda mantém.

O Que As Pessoas Estão A Dizer

"This was wonderful. The team was on time and had the materials. Our guide was great and very aware of our safety! He helped us in and out of the kayaks in the waves. Would recommend ! We even got to go in some small caves. "
"I recently completed a vintage car tour in Porto. The driver was charming and the experience was enjoyed by all. However, I do have a bit of a problem with the booking company, Experitour. After I made the booking online, nobody ever reached out to me to confirm the upcoming event. Usually, a day or two before such a tour, somebody will send an e-mail stating that the tour is going to occur soon and to review the meeting place and time. I would expect Experitour to do that since they were the company that received my online booking information. When I eventually contacted the Vintage Car Tour company, they initially had no record of my reservation. They were eventually able to find it, but I had to remind them that I went through Experitour. Not sure whose fault that was. These are minor details, but they prevent me from providing a 5-star review."
"Received fantastic service from experitour, always in contact with me. Unfortunately the tour was cancelled because of the Babet and Alina storms. Not their fault. Will certainly be rebooking with them next year hopefully will see the famous flamingoes. "
"We had a great time on this tour. Professionally run with a variety of activities on the water which made it interesting & exciting. "
"I would like to get refund for the tickets €240 of this boat tour on 30/09/2023 due to the bad weather condition and the tour had been cancelled by your company/Sea Adventure. I have sent the email to few days ago but get no response so far. Looking forward to hearing from experitour soonest. "
"Everything perfect: On time, the weather, the dolphin view, nice staff, the boat… A fantastic journey."

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