
Degustações De Vinhos & Tours Em Vinícolas

Vai visitar a Austrália? Descubra as melhores coisas para fazer na sua viagem. Top tours, dicas de viagem e avaliações verificadas!

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Já esteve em Austrália?

A Austrália é um país e continente cercado pelos oceanos Índico e Pacífico. As suas principais cidades - Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide - são costeiras. A sua capital, Canberra, é no interior. O país é conhecido pela sua Sydney Opera House, a Grande Barreira de Corais, uma grande deserto no interior chamada Outback e espécies animais únicas, como cangurus e ornitorrincos.

O Que As Pessoas Estão A Dizer

"Fantastic tour on the Vegemite bus; guide Chris was a wealth of knowledge and was so much fun, loved the music. Totally recommend this tour, as you get to sample great wines, incredible cheese, fruit and fantastic lunch. Must do if you are visiting Melbourne."
"The company does a great job at providing a wonderful experience for people who want to enjoy the attractions of the Yarra Valley. Our tour guide Mel was fantastic in getting us in the mood for having a wonderful day. It was pretty obvious that she enjoys her job as a tour guide . Nothing was too much trouble . Originally I was just interested in finding a winery tour. But this is much better because it includes cheese and chocolate."

Mais Para Explorar em Oceânia

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