Castile and León

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O Reino de Castela era um estado grande e poderoso na Península Ibérica durante a Idade Média. Seu nome vem do anfitrião de castelos construídos na região. Começou no século 9 como o Condado de Castilla (Condado de Castilla), um senhorio da fronteira oriental do Reino de Leão.

Mais Para Explorar em Castile and León

O Que As Pessoas Estão A Dizer

"Me encanto Segovia es uno de los sitios más hermosos que conocí en España. Realmente vale la pena hacer este Tours, además estuvo muy bien organizado, lo repetiría con mucho gusto. Agradecimientos."
"We had planned to go to Segovia only. When we spent a few hours wit Cecilia in Segovia, we decided to go to Avila also :) She explained the history and other information so well and with so much passion that we really enjoyed it. We booked the Avila trip with her there and then. She was seen to be helpful to passengers needing direction and even physically challenged passengers"
"Great trip. The tour guide Cecellia was excellent and supportive. She made the experience worthwhile."
"Totalmente diferente a lo que estaba acostumbrada, fue un día lleno de cultura, caminata, historia, Segovia es realmente hermosa, lo volvería hacer"
"Vine de visita a Madrid con mi chica, nos hablaron del tour a Segovia la verdad muy Contentos, lo recomiendo."
"We had a great time on our trip to Avila and Segovia. Originally I only wanted to see Segovia to see the castle but I’m glad the bus went to both places. Our bus was on time for pickup. First was about an hour ride to Avil where we stopped to take a picture of the walled city before entering. Then a walking tour with our tour guide Viviana, who gave us history in both Spanish and English plus some free time to explore. Then another hour bus ride to Segovia for lunch and another walking tour and free time. Both towns were very charming and a nice break from the city. The bus route was scenic with lots of pretty mountains to gaze at in between towns. Viviana was a fantastic tour guide and did her best to make everyone comfortable. We went on international Women’s day so the bus ride back to Madrid was longer due to traffic. We were blocked from getting to Plaza España because of demonstrations in the city that day, but the bus driver and Viviana found a way to get us pretty close to the drop off point and helped us map out how to get back to our hotel. Overall a great day trip! Worth every penny."

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