
Passeios A Pé

Salta is a city located in the northwest of Argentina, and one of the most populated cities in the region.

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Já esteve em Salta?

Salta is a city located in the northwest of Argentina, and one of the most populated cities in the region. It is located near the Andes and has a pleasant climate all-year-round, what makes this charming colonial town one of the favorite for the tourists. Salta was founded in 1582, so it's possible to see the Spanish architecture while experiencing the culture of a mostly indigenous influences in the local folk.

Mais Para Explorar em Salta

O Que As Pessoas Estão A Dizer

"Lindo lugar, un pueblito pintoresco. Muy buen recibimiento de la gente de lugar. Calidez. Lindos trabajos artesanales."

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