Miradouro de São Pedro
Mostrando 1-6 de 6 excursiones
Miradouro de São Pedro: Tours y Experiencias
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The garden has a small lake and a belvedere, which offers an imposing view of the east of Lisbon, overlooking part of the Baixa area of Lisbon and the south bank of the river Tagus.
There is a map in tiles next to the balustrade, which helps to identify some places of Lisbon. The panorama extends from the walls of Castelo de São Jorge, surrounded by trees and the Sé de Lisboa (12th century), in the hills to the southwest, to the Penha de França church of the eighteenth century, to the northwest. Also visible is the large church complex of Graça, while São Vicente de Fora is recognizable by the symmetrical towers around the white façade.
The benches and shadows of the trees make the belvedere a very pleasant place.
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